Thursday, December 10, 2009

Only In The Midwest

Kid #1: My mom was in labor for 15 hours when she had me
Kid #2: My aunt had her baby in 5 minutes!
Kid #3: I had a cow that did that once...

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Time Traveling Teacher

I love the fact that people in this profession have no clue what we do every day. I think they go to sleep at night thinking that I must spend every waking hour grading, planning, making notes, and making copies. It's almost laughable...almost...I love overachievers...really I do...but this was a little much. It made me laugh a little at first...

OA (over achiever): Ummmmm Mrs. Cheese I was wondering if you know what we are going to be doing on May 10th and 11th?
Me: Come again??
OA: I wanted to know what we are going to be doing on May 10th and 11th. I am going to be gone and I wanted to know if there was anything I needed to make up. My dad made me ask.
Me: Ask me on May 8th.

First I thought it was a little endearing that she thought to ask so early. Funny for sure because as all teachers know it is absolutely ridiculous to know that far in advance. Maybe I'm naive and I should have my whole year planned out, but I rough sketch my quarter plans, then plan in-depth every Monday morning for that week. I know there are some teachers out there that have all this under control, but not me. After I got over the internal giggling that I had, I stopped to think...What the hell was this parent thinking?? Does he really think that I would seriously know what we are doing on those days?!?!?! How bout I call him and ask him what he will be doing at work on May 10th and 11th?!?! WHO KNOWS THESE THINGS?!?! I barely know what I'm doing next hour, let alone next year!!!!!!! Which goes back to my theory that people think that we have no lives...or that once we teach something for one year, we do the exact same thing the next year. SO. NOT. TRUE.