Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oink Oink

So they are seriously dropping like flies around here. All of a sudden, this week and last, there have been a ton of students gone. I have put together more absent work the past 3 days that I have done in the past 3 years. I am thankful that up to this point I have not gotten what I am hereby referring to as "the sickness." The Sickness is bad. You have a fever, and you feel like you are going to die. At least that is what all the kids are saying. The nurse is having to turn kids away there are so many coming in. I went by the guidance office yesterday morning and she had a piece of notebook paper (front and back) full of kids names that were absent. No Joke! I bet I have about 3 kids per hour coming up and asking me if they can go to the nurse. And trust me, it's really hard to reply without breathing, which is what I have resorted to doing when a kid is talking to me. For some reason they feel like it is necessary to be 1 foot away from you when they talk. Not only does this invade my personal bubble, but it completely freaks me out when it comes to The Sickness. Here's to hoping that I don't come down with The Sickness...because I'm too busy!